The beach contains a beautiful rich resource for knowledge about our world. There is opportunity for observation, engagement, natural history, environmental studies and creative possibilities. 
A group of children who's attention was taken from the seaweed, they began their discussion and then collection through the different shapes they found. The multiple stiff blades, colours and hues. Wet and discarded from the tide, then dried and crinkled in the sun. We brought back to the atelier where it was studied and categorised, and as the children lead, their organising reveals their theories and questions for more knowledge.
Through this relaunch the children explore the many shapes of the seaweed through different languages of materials, there is focus to include approaches that suit all learning styles, as well as suggesting a new way of looking and supporting the acquisition a new skill.
This style of study gives opportunity to explore the context of previous study, through other artists, scientists and researchers. The children contributing to the legacy.
Through creative exploration the children have made discoveries of scientific understanding about the photosynthesis of the seaweed, and of its contribution to a healthy sea. There is a connection and a point of reference for future learning. A dynamic project from the beach to the studio rich in learning and curriculum  goals.   
For support designing spaces, launching a sustainability curriculum, creating inviting provocations and child-led projects from the natural environment, please contact

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